September 2016

NY QSO Party

Submitted by AK2X on

The New York QSO Party will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2016. The event starts at 1400 UTC (2 pm EDT) and runs for 12 hours. Rules and info here:

The NYQP is a chance for NY operators to be “chased”. Other NY stations and everyone else will be looking to contact NY operators. Since the majority of stations will be from the US and Canada, signals should be strong and easy to work. No matter if you prefer SSB, CW or the RTTY/Digital modes, the NYQP has something for you! The most important thing is to have fun. Be there! 

Pictorial Tour of Ham Shacks

Submitted by ai2n on

In the early days amateur radio operators often constructed their noisy, smelly, and often dangerous spark gap stations in "shacks" separate from their living quarters.  The term "Ham Shack" has been maintained to this day.  Many variables (personal taste, type and quantity of equipment, available space, budget) determine the setup of a modern ham shack.

Meeting Date