Ham Radio Roundtable Discussion

Submitted by ai2n on
Meeting Date

Where else but in a ham radio club can we chat about all the different things we enjoy about this hobby. At our next meeting on September 25, Keith/WB2NVY, a ham since 1963, will ask EVERYONE to talk about things we enjoy Check out this list and be prepared to share your thoughts on them when ‘net control’ turns it over to you.


Suggested topics:


Most memorable QSO

Coolest homebrew project

Favorite rig

Ham radio & wx

Best ham buddy/Elmer

Auto/air/water mobile unit/activity

Worst ham radio day

Favorite net(s)

Most memorable Field Day

Favorite/highest? Antenna

What I like most about ham radio

Favorite MODE

Awards that I’ve won

Most scary/”shocking” moment

Most rewarding radio activity

Keith, WB2NVY